

Why donate?

With your help, our researchers can continue to tackle some of the world’s most pressing problems - such as climate change, food security and ecological biodiversity.

Your donation will help our scientists to:

Lake Saroma Kelp diver

How much can I give?

No matter how much you give, you can make a difference.

Smaller donations can be used to purchase geolocation trackers that are tagged to albatrosses or seals to reveal how marine predators forage.

Larger sums could contribute to a PhD student’s scholarship so they can undertake research with our world-leading scientists.

Major donations could fund a significant research project, or enable transformational research in Antarctic and Southern Ocean science.

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Photo: Jaimie Cleeland Mike Porteus and students measure abalone

Authorised by the Executive Director, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies
20 August, 2020